About Us
We’re a group of innovative thinkers who are changing the landscape of dairy sustainability.

We believe society needs cows and dairies to survive naturally. We are fulfilling our passion of creating a sustainable and renewable future for our family and friends in agriculture and our local communities. Years of experience in designing and improving pond liner systems, anaerobic dairy digesters, and more has allowed us to re-imagine conventional design practices and technologies. We aim to close the loop on agricultural processes and create healthy environments by building together - the path to a healthier tomorrow. We can turn your waste into a resource for renewable energy and fertilizer. We know that this can be achieved best by exercising our core values: transparency, integrity, innovation, and timeliness.

Pond Liner Systems

Hartman Engineering has been designing and gaining approval on various liner systems for dairy and other agriculture waste throughout the nation. We have designed and constructed over 140 ponds in the state of California alone, with many more to come. In the last 10 years, we have gained approval on many waste containment code changes that have reduced construction costs and provided a better product for the industry. Our firm continues to study and research further methods to reduce costs, and monitor leakage and seepage at low costs. We are highly experienced with electrical leak location, with a goal to further improve the existing technology.

Dairy Digesters

Our peers and clients tell us our team is one of the most experienced in designing and managing the construction of pond liners and anaerobic dairy digesters in the nation. We have worked for the top developers in the state to successfully perfect the ambient lagoon digester, and have an extensive amount of experience in digester design of all types, CQA, and construction management. We invest in and extensively measure, monitor, and obtain data from past projects to incorporate in future developments of design given site constraints. As a result, our experience allows us to confidently engineer, procure, construct and commission your anaerobic digester project.  

Dairy Permitting & Waste Management Planning

We have over 16 years of experience measuring, metering, and calculating dairies waste and water usage. We have measured and reviewed over 350 dairy facilities across the nation and have seen lots of variations within the industry. Using technology, we are able to further measure and monitor waste at facilities with the end goal of creating energy and nutrients. Hartman has experience with designing waste management upgrades for a digester during the operation of a dairy. Dairies never shut down, and Hartman's dairy experience has been valuable in coordination of construction to allow for the facility to continue to operate during construction.  

Expertise Knowledge

Our Services

Project feasibility and risk, cost estimating, budgeting, scheduling and more
Full basis of design, construction drawings, permitting, and bid out
Permit preparation and submittal, state agency permit reviewal, permit revisions
Construction / EPC
Providing procurement, construction management, and commissioning services
Consult with us.
Help us in our mission to Sustaining Resources Naturally© — through improved design, processes and markets.
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