Dairy Ponds Engineered and Constructed by People Within the Dairy Community.
Economical lined ponds that will exceed your agencies requirements.
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What we believe in
Assisting Dairies to Economically Increase Their Sustainability.

Who We Are

DairyPond.com is an engineering and construction team that works in 16 states, with over 150 liner pond systems installed. Our liner systems have some of the lowest leakage rates in the industry.

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Wonderful Pistachios and Almonds Firebaugh Pond
CQA Employee Working in the Field

What We Do

Years of research and development has made us industry-leading experts in pond liners. We confidently consult, design, permit, and construct the most efficient, cost-effective pond liners and anaerobic dairy digesters based on your dairy.

We have assisted agencies to rewrite their codes to improve designs while reducing construction costs.

We are experts in liner leakage detection and have served on an ASTM committee for electrical leak location standards for pond liners.

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